Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A new addiction

See this pile, this is how I was storing my fabric. It was fine for a while, that is until the addiction really began. I am absolutely addicted to fabric! It used to be scrapbook paper, and now I am 100% addicted to sewing and fabric! Quit shops are my new favorite destination! So I had an idea, and since I have a brilliant husband, he was able to take the idea right out of my head and build it! We used an old bookcase that was out in the garage, so it was also free! 
So while he was busy building I was cutting foam core board and making my own mini bolts of fabric.
I took a piece of 20 x 30 foam core board, and cut it down to 10 x 7.5 You can get 8 from one sheet.

Next I wrapped the fabric around the bolts, the great thing about them being foam board is that you can use stick pins to secure the loose ends.

Now the shelf is done, and on the wall, ready to organize my delicious selections of fabric! 

Here it is up in my craft room! It is beyond perfect! 

Now it's time to sew, I am making some great bags and purses, more to come on that! 


Kerstin said...

This is FANTASTIC! I need one!~

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! I want to learn to sew so I can have this in my house! Looks so pretty.

Unknown said...

Great Idea...I too have a fabric addiction and I am overrun with fabirc...alot of time I don't know what I have because its buried!! Thanks for the tip
PS ~ Over from Trendy Treehouse!

the thrifty ba said...

im in LOVE!

Tricia said...

This is absolute and utter genius!!

Kathysue said...

Wow! Missy that is brillant and looks wonderful, great Job!!

Sueann said...

What a fabulous idea!! Looks great!

Margo said...

So beautiful... I am so jealous... Might have to steal this idea... :O)

The Decorating Diaries said...

Brilliant! I am so doing this with my fabric. There was just never a good way to store it and still be able to see all of it.


Anne said...

Great idea! I may have to borrow it! :)

My fabric addiction goes in spurts ... sometimes I'm hot and heavy about fabric and then I step back from it. But I always justify buying fabric in that doing so helps me acquire a stash that I can use when we're old and gray and on a "fixed income." HA! Don't think my husband's buyin' it ...

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

wow, I call that ORGANIZATION at its best!! Looks wonderful and your fabric will not be all wrinkled up lik emine gets! Well done!!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

You are a lot more organized than I could ever dream of being! Love this idea.

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

They look so good and organized! I love foam core... it has so many uses!! Great idea!

Tania Pelletier said...

Well look at how clever you are! I love that idea!!


Melissa said...

A wonderful idea and brilliantly executed!!

Leanne said...

What a great and beautiful idea. I would love for you to join my 2nd We're Organized Wednesday party. YOu can link till Thursday night and there's a giveaway. I hope to see you there.

Sue said...

That just makes me want to sew...but I could do that or stay married..and seeing as the 20th anniversary is looming I better stay out of the fabrics stores LOL

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I WISH I could have a fabric obsession. I also WISH I could store my fabric obession like you. That is gorgeous to look at. Your own mini quilt store! I will feature this at!

Unknown said...

Ok ... I'm seriously off to buy some foam board!! What a fabulous idea!!

Sharon said...

ooooh i need to do this:)

Stacey said...

I really love this! I love fabric too...I don't have any yet, but when I get some someday I'll keep this idea in mind! I've just enrolled in a sewing class and can see how easy it is to become a fabric junkie.


Valerie said...

No.Way. This is such an AMAZING idea!! I am going out to the dollar store today to buy a bazillion foam boards. I am filing this at Thanks soo much for sharing!!

House Queen said... I am totally in love with this and adding it to my summer-to-do-list!!!

Oh...and check my blog later because I am linking to you and I hope you get lots of great visitors!!!

Have a fab Thursday! i am your newest follower!!!

Jaime said...

Love it! Thanks for the great idea!

Unknown said...

I love this! I am going to feature you tomorrow on the DMC Blog! Thanks for sharing.

- Emma Broidery

Unknown said...

FYI the DMC Blog is

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I love the way you organized your fabric,, its like an organized piece of art.

Kelly Rachel said...

Wow, this is a much better idea than folding fabric. LOVE. IT.

kim west said...

CAn I go shopping at your store?

Jenna said...

Oh I just love this idea! So simple yet so functional, very clever!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

THAT, my dear, is motivating and inspiring!!!!! Thank you so much for joining in the Tales from Bloggeritaville Thrifty Thursday! I appreciate you joining in the party!

Tales from Bloggeritaville

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

PS Missy, I am sharing this on my blog tomorrow, K?

Stitching Cat said...

As everyone else has said -- AWESOME IDEA! I may have to borrow it. Thanks for the creative thinking.

Maureen said...

That was a great idea. I love how neat your fabric stash looks.

Melinda H. said...

I freaking LOVE this idea! I'm really good about washing my fabric right when I get home but then I just fold it up and toss it in a stack. I once got ambitious and unfolded it all, measured it, rolled it up and wrapped it (like in the remnant section)and wrote the length on the wrapper. Neat but it's still all jumbled together in a basket. This is a MUCH better idea!

Marie @ Chocolate-Covered Chaos said...

I *heart* your fabric stash and this storage idea! How wonderful that you can see all the beautiful fabric side by side! I'm in love...

Amanda said...

Love that idea. I suffer from the same problem. I'm going to have to try this out. Thanks!

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

Ha! We could be twins! In recent months I've stopped accumulating scrapbook paper in favor of fabric remnants. I love your idea of bolting it!! Makes for much flatter storage. Thanks for sharing!!

extreme personal measures said...

Stopping by from Trendy Treehouse's Follow Me Friday. Already a follower. I don't have this much fabric. LOL

Jen said...

Thanks for sharing! I love this idea! I am hoping to incorporate this into my craft area!

Kathryn said...

This is an amazing idea! I too store fabric in piles and even worse...big plastic bins! (I'm ashamed of that one). I will using this orgaization stratagy right away!

Thanks for sharing!

Atticmag said...

This is such a useful post. I can use a variation for my fabric swatches. Thanks. Jane F.

Laura said...

This turned out great!!

I'm having a blog party tomorrow and I'd love it if you linked up!

Tracey said...

This is a great idea. I, too have the fabric addiction! Mine are all stacked in plastic storage containers, but this is such a better way to see all that I have. Thanks!

New follower from FMF. Have a great weekend!


Funky Junk Interiors said...

Totally way beyond cool!

Missy! I think you should just travel to craft/sewing rooms to create unique storage solutions and organize for the rest of us. This one is UH MAY ZING!

Thanks for linking it up to SNS!
FJ Donna

chris said...

What a fun idea. Now all I need is a sewing room! :)

Jess said...

That is AWESOME! I am so jealous. I am featuring this next week on Favorite Things Friday. Stop by if you would like a featured button!

Leanne said...

Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday. I hope to see you again in 2 weeks.

Marianne said...

Looks fantastic! If only I had wallspace in my craftroom, I'd be totally copying this.

Life in Rehab said...

That's sheer genius. I was just about to tackle my craft cabinet too, so thanks for the idea!

Alberta said...

Your idea ROCKS Missy! Thanks for sharing...I'm off to get my supplies ready.

Kat @ Black Kats Design said...

You were caught being creative and were featured on Black Kats Design Fab Friday Favorites. Stop on by, grab a button and show off!

Lyanna said...

Wow, I need to make lie 3 or 4 of these... too much fabric.

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

This is a fabulous idea! It is so organized and it looks like a piece of art! I am jealous of your craft room! I am going to have to follow you because I see you have some great ideas. Maybe I can get my fabric addiction organized if I hang around :)

Bec said...

my mom started my fabric addiction when I was young so I have quite the stash. I love the idea of using the foam board!!! So smart!

Jaimie said...


CrystalC2B said...

Oh! I love foam core! Now I know how to organize my project stash! Yay!

colorchic said...

Are you kidding... way to organized! But seriously just jealous that you are so organized. I am embarrassed to say I once go rid of a pile of old fabric because it was never put to good use. Perhaps I need to organize my newly created stash like you! Fun site... glad I stopped by!

:) said...

That is so genius! I want to run and buy some foam core right now.

Jen said...

This is oh, SO COOL!!! That looks so neat and cute and....I want one!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Great idea! Thanks for sharing that! I just finished refolding all my fabric according to a new technique I learned (tutorial posted on my blog). But your idea is great because it makes the room feel like a fabric shop! Hope you don't mind if I share your idea since I just finished a Spring Spruce Up series on my blog.


Unknown said...

This turned out amazing. I would never have thought of using foam core. And now your fabric is a decoration and it's functional!
Thanks for linking up this week.

from Trash to Treasure Decorating

raggygirlvintage said...

You are so smart! Looks just like a fabric store. We're in the process of turning our home office into "my" space, so I might just be stealing your idea...

raggygirlvintage said...

PS. Just signed up to follow you:-)
Pop by my blog sometime, I love to sew too!!

Mag said...

now, i have one more projects to do on my never ending list!! this is great!! thanks for sharing

MeckMom said...

Such a great idea!! I can't wait to pass it on to my readers at Thanks for sharing!

Kaysi said...

I LOVE this idea!!! What a way to store fabric

Ashley said...

great idea!!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Genius! I have FIVE bookcases full of stacked fabric and then some. Yes, I use alot of fabric, but this system will make it alot more organized. Gotta try it today. Thanks for your post!

Ruth H. said...

What a fantastic idea! I'm in the middle of re-doing my own sewing room, and this idea is genius. I might have to steal it.

Two Shades of Pink said...

Um, I have no words as I awe of this idea. It is just plain genius and I am so doing it. Foam board for the straight pins? Mini bolts? I mean, you need some sort of crafty nobel prize for that kind of genius.

Jason said...

Super genius idea!! I love it and want one for my future craft room!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...


My Life And Loves said...

So neat and tidy & oh so pretty! Love your blog!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Very clever storage idea!

Leah said...

Great idea! I am totally doing this with my fabric. They are just stacked on the bookshelf right now.

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

This is an amazing idea. The foam boards will prevent my constant problem of ironing out the folds.
Yeah. Thanks. I'm sewing a little dress today hope to have it ready for next weeks party.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Stacey said...

This is the most BRILLIANT thing I've seen in a long time!! Thanks for sharing, I'm headed to get the supplies ASAP!!!

Katy said...

I just wanted to let you know that I saw this as I was looking around for the first time (your AWESOME Pockets and Posies bag on Funky Junk brought me over!), and one hour later, I'm cutting out cardboard and bolting my fabric! I moved a barely-used shelf down to my sewing room, measured it, and am just a few more bolts away from having my own awesome fabric center!

Honestly, I'm the biggest procrastinator ever, so it's impressive that something inspired me enough to actually get it done on the very day I saw it! I'll send you a picture when it's all finished!

Jan said...

I agree...BRILLIANT!!!

Okay Let's Go Knit said...

That is wonderful!! I'm in the process of moving my studio into another bedroom (just waiting for the long awaited carpet).

THANKS so much for several great ideas to get me organized from the get-go.

kim west said...

featured this at my blog today

love love lveovelvelelvoelvlev it!!!!

Kara @ Mine for the Making said...

AMAZING!!! Def a Monday favorite for me. Great way to organize your fabric and it gives you a visual so that you dont forget what you have!!! I so have that problem.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Visiting from UCreate

Kara @

Lisa Madden Bass said...

I have the same addiction...fabric, fabric old, fabric get the idea! And your idea for the mini-bolts is just what I have been looking for to organize all of my fabric which is currently spread between 2 rooms. I love it! Thank you :)

Emily said...

Brilliant! So much better than the stacks I have. Thanks for sharing!

Powers Fam said...

I store my fabric on those same wire shelves! I love how pretty your fabric looks out in the open and so much easier to access than digging through stacks. And I just saw today that Beverly's is having a sale on foam core board 3 for 5 bucks. Sounds like a good deal! Thank you for the tip!

Unknown said...

L-O-V-E this idea! So clever.

New follower!

Jennifer Dawn said...

This is a great idea. I am obsessed with being organized. Brilliant! I love that your husband helped you out. Time to recruit my hubby. :)

Liz @ LivingMySweetLife said...

you are brilliant. I am going out today to buy the supplies I need. THANK YOU for sharing this!

Rachel said...

Foam board!?! why didn't I think of that?

Sonia B said...

Just saw this on UCreate. You.are.a.genious! I went downstairs and cut out my one piece of foamboard right away and will be headed to the store as soon as I'm dressed ;) Thanks for sharing.

Naturally Creative Mama said...

Love, love, LOVE it!!! I am so going out today to buy foam board and do this myself. I too, share in the fabric addiction!!! Thanks for sharing the idea!!

marisa said...

Awesome! It's funny you said scrapbook paper! I still have both! It's just finding room for fabric AND paper that's killing me!

Erika said...

Thanks for the AWESOME idea, my fabric stash is taking over my craft room!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration! I am going to Hobby Lobby tonight to get me some foam core board!

Katie Lewis said...

Saw this over at Ucreate. Totally awesome idea. I am bookmarking it so I can remember when I have space to store my fabric this way. So genius!

Heather - said...

So awesome! Linking to you this weekend at Dollar Store Crafts.

Emma @ emmanemhandmade said...

Oh my gosh you are a genius. Thank you for such an amazing idea! You are making my life (and my appartment) a better place !

Katie said...

First off, I'm so happy I found your blog through Ucreate. Secondly, this post could not have come at a better time. My husband is in the midst of transforming our office into the most amazing craft room ever. We spent an hour sitting on the floors of the office measuring all things craft along with brainstorming... We both were kind of stumped on what to do with all my fabric. I agreed for him to build drawers and I'd just neatly fold them in there... not any more! I guess I'll be buying a few large pieces of foam core and cutting them down and folding! :) Yeah!!!


ProcraftinatingPA said...

Love this!! I can't wait to make some myself!! Of course this also means I need to buy MORE fabric!! YAY. Thanks for sharing!

Giggles and Girlfriends Retreats said...

Love this, can you belieive i went to a quilt show and bought similar for $0.99 each, only difference was they had rounded corners...I can do without rounded corners to save some dollars to spend on my stash...this is great, I'll be sharing with all my BFF's...cheers

Heather P. said...

Such a fantabulous idea!!!

Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

How wonderful!!! I love it! If only I had enough fabric to do it like yours;). Awesome.

Whitney & McKayla said...

Such a great idea! This would especially be great when you're trying to mix up some fabrics to make things like quilts. In case anyone is in this area (Utah County, Utah) several of the Dollar Tree stores have the sheets of foam core available with the back to school items. You may be able to order them on their website if you need quite a few.

Infarrantly Creative said...

Holy this idea. I will be stealing fo sho'

EverythingIveGot said...

How awesome is that?!

EverythingIveGot said...

How awesome is that?!

saraiwithani said...

I am in the process of reorganizing/redecorating my office/craft room and I LOVE this idea! Fabric storage has always been a pain in the behind and this seems like it will work perfectly with the space I have! Thanks so much for sharing!

LunaMoonbeam said...

Popped over from Dollar Store Crafts.

How genius are YOU?! I've seen bolted fabric stashes before...but this is just genius. I love how your bolts are so TINY.

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said...

That is amazing! I love it! I have a free bookshelf sitting around my garage and a very handy husband...hmm....

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

If my husband saw this he would get my fabrics organized himself :)

Thanks for sharing your tip!


angela said...

That is AMAZING! I don't have a craft room so am wrapping mine "remnant style" right now, but when I do.... I'm totally doing this. Soo Beautiful! Great job to you and your hubby!

Julie said...

Oh my CRAP! I am sooo doing this. Fabric is my fetish too and I have been trying to figure out how to better store it. Any ideas for the cute little left over scraps?

Patti said...

What size of fabric can you put on the little board? Just fat quarters or some other size?

Pam said...

This is BRILLIANT! I already have a shelf in my craft room but I never thought of using it this way. Going to be 90+ degrees here this weekend. Sounds like a great time to organize fabric!

Unknown said...

Fan-tab-ulous! I love this idea. I've got giant plastic tubs that are way too heavy to lift on and off the shelves - seeing my stash at a glance will make it much more useable and your idea isn't so costly it can't be done! U rock!

Michele T said...

You came up with an awesome idea!! I have been trying to think of a way to organize my fabric and your idea could work for me!! Thank you!

Unknown said...

You are one smart cookie! I have a jack-of-all-trades hubby myself. So, off to the craft store for the foam board and my sewing section is about to be transformed.
I can't wait to share this with my sewing group of friends. They are going to be so excited, just as I am.
I'll put a picture up on my blog of a before and after like you did.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the idea of using the board. I went out and bought some at our local dollar store. I cut them up and am now working on getting the material onto the boards. I can't wait to show you the new look. I will take picture and put them up on my blog and send you the link.


Amber Campbell said...

I love it! Just decided to organize my fabric in a useful manner today and now I have one. Thanks.

Melissa said...

I love the whole custom feel to this. The cabinet for the mini bolts and the mini bolts for the cabinet. Beautiful fabrics too. I featured this in a post that goes live at midnight. Thanks for sharing!

Jane said...

This is just perfect and it has given me some inspiration for my mom's sewing room. At 81 yrs. old she still sews everyday and has huge piles of fabric sitting in boxes.
I love how it looks hanging on the wall and how organized you are!
Thanks for sharing this idea.

Carrie @ Dittle Dattle said...

Oh my goodness! I just did something similar to my ribbons, using up some left over foam board from holiday projects. I really need to do this with my fabrics! Your collection looks amazing!

I would be honored to have you add it to my blog party

Amaze Me Monday Blog Party

Staci Ann said...

this is such an amazing idea. I am in the middle of re-organizing my craft room, and I am definitely going to do this with my fabric. Thanks for the great idea!

Joanna Jenkins said...

May I borrow your husband? Pretty please?

I got a new Viking quilting machine for Christmas and love it. Which of course means I've been spending way too much time in fabric shops adding more to my already too big collection of fabrics.

So glad I found your blog. I'll be back again soon to drool over your shelving :-)

Cheers, jj

Rose said...

I LOVE this idea!! I have been trying to figure out how to tame my ever-growing fabric stash (it really is an addiction) and this is the perfect solution. Thanks so much :-)

Melissa @ Homegrown Catholics said...

Thanks for this fab idea, making fabric bolts from foam board. I'm sharing it on my blog. I searched awhile for an answer to my mess, and found your idea so refreshing I did it right away!

Lisa H. (Sewing or Something) said...

I just went and got my foam from Home Depot in a huge sheet I think it was like 12 feet by 4 feet or something for 8 dollars. Had them cut it into 4ths now I am about to cut down for my bolts! Thanks for the idea!

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Brilliant and beautiful! I want to have mini bolts of fabric just for the aesthetics!! Thanks for linking up to the Workspace Showcase!

Unknown said...

Wow, so pretty and functional. I would love to have so many pretty fabrics. Great storage solution.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Hi Missy. I have been doing a little research on how people store their fabric and ran across this post. Wonderful idea! I have a blog on studio organizing and wanted to post some fabric storage ideas from others. Your email didn't work, so I hope you get this before 4-2-11. Would you mind if I used a couple of your images? Of course I would include a link back to your tutorial. My blog is

Angie said...

I used your post on making these fabric bolts on my blog after I fell in love with the idea and made them for myself earlier this year. Thanks! Brilliant :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! It's a really pretty way to store your fabric too, and it saves on cupboard space! I will have to store this idea away in my head! I particularly like how you've made bolts of fabric.

Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

I am totally doing this!!! Thanks soooo much for posting! Now, where is the cheapest place to buy foam board? :) Anyone?! :)

Sarah said...

Loved your idea so much that I just bought myself a 10 pack of the 20x30 board from Amazon. It was only $34.35! I was going to wait and buy some premade ones but this will save me $100! I'm super excited.

beckandlundy (Patty Sloniger) said...

Great idea... my hubs is pretty handy too, so this just got added to his honey-do list. Thanks so much for the inspiration, now maybe I can fit more fabric in my stash!!

KG said...

What a fantastic idea, I will be going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow for some foam ( and might sneak some fabric in ). I will feature your blog tomorrow on my blog:

KG said...

Missy, here is a link to my feature of this post, I hope you approve!

The Vintage Farm Girl said...

My hubby built me pallet shelving over the weekend and tonight we're working on the foam boards and fabric. Thank you!

Libee White said...

hi! i just wanted to let you know that this is the best way i have seen so far to store fabrics! i have started doing the same thing for my fabric stash. here is the link to my fabric stash, inspired by you.

Meari said...

Great ideas! How did your hubby build the shelf? Is it attached to the wall?

rrudin said...

I AM DROOLING!!!!! Love your idea!! I NEED to get more organized! I am sorta, but need to get it better organized! LOVE IT, thanks so much! Such CUTE fabric scraps!!!

Heather said...

I pinned this ages ago and am finally getting around to organizing my fabric stash. Thanks for the fabulous suggestion! I can't wait to see what all I have :)

Kate said...

Wow, what a great idea, I have a sheet of foam core board in my craft area and would never have thought of using it that way. Its so great that you can customize the size depending on the size of your shelf! My house gets so dusty though, I'm always worried about exposure to dust and sun. If the "elements" become an issue, you can always create little curtains......