Do any of you know how to center the header? Nothing is working quite right, I would also like to make it larger without just stretching it. I am not afraid to edit the HTML if I know exactly what to do.
I am also looking for a great blog design web site, maybe it is time to pay to have this done?
Thoughts, comments, ideas?
Hey Missy!
To center your header, go into your template designer / advanced / Add CSS
in that box, add:
.header-outer {
margin-left: 20px;
Adjust the px number until you get the desired look.
I know of a good designer...I used her for my old blog ( you can check out my design at
The designer is called Utterly Chaotic is her website:
She is VERY reasonably priced compaired to other blog designers, but a little limited in design because she basically only does scrap book designs. Good luck!! I look forward to what you come up with next!
I am looking for a new blog design too, too cheap to pay for it, want something simple, always overwhelms me.
Thanks ladies, will check out the designer, and Donna, you are my hero! Thank you that worked perfectly!
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