While we were in Mexico, I was missing my daily Caribou Coffee. But I found that a little morning cappuccino did the trick. Then I met Carlos....
One day at lunch he had asked if I wanted a drink and I said "no thanks, just water". Once we were done eating he brought a large glass over to me and said " I made something special for you". I had no idea what it was until I took a sip, and then I was in love with Carlos.
It was an iced coffee with Kahlua....O.M.G, I never told him I was missing a real good cup of coffee, he just brought it to me. I think I drank it in about 15 seconds. It was so good. Needless to say I had a couple more throughout the week.
Now that we are back I thought I would try to make one, and it is just as good! Here is what you need:
1 shot of Espresso
2 Small Scoops vanilla Ice cream
3/4 C. Cold Milk
1 shot Kahlua
Add 2 scoops Ice Cream, Milk & Ice to tall glass.
Add hot espresso
Top with shot of Kahlua stir and ENJOY!
Thanks Carlos!

Ever tried Mexican coffee? It's my favorite. Only certain bartenders seem to know what it is, and I've asked in several places in Mexico and Puerto vallarta seems to be one of the only places you can get it. They light the alcohol on fire and coat the rim with sugar. So yummy!
oh dear goodness that looks to die for!!
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