I finally did it! A little more than 2 1/2 years ago a very dear friend of mine found out that her 3 year old son had cancer. He is doing great now and has been cancer free for almost 2 years! But it was not an easy battle, surgery, radiation and chimo. It broke my heart to watch them have to go through this, but they all stayed positive and had a great out come. You feel so helpless on the other side wanting to do something, anything to make it better, when really all you can do is be there, so that is what I did! I also decided that I would grow my hair out for locks of love. It was so sad to see that little guy with no hair, but you know, it didn't keep him down a bit, he was such a trooper through it all, and today he looks wonderful, with a head full of beautiful hair!
I just hope that some child will be able to benefit from my donation and maybe it will make her battle a little easier knowing that people do care and want to do anything they can to help! So if you can, grow out your hair and donate! It is for such a good cause!!
Wow! Congratulations on this initiative, it's amazing what you've done congratulations!
What a perfect time for you to do it, Lake's 2 year check up is on Monday. Cross your fingers once again, like we all do every 3 months. Your hair looks darling and I think it's a wonderful cause. You are a dear friend indeed!!! Enjoy your new sexy hair!
I am loving your new "do"!! I love locks of love ~ they do such great things.
Super cute new 'do! That was such a great thing to do...doesn't it give you warm fuzzies?!?
Love what you did and why you did it!!! I am sure that someone, somewhere will be so happy to be able to use your beautiful hair!
That is amazing what you did. And I love the cut.
My 2 oldest daughters have done that. My oldest twice now. They love it long, but love knowing the story behind Lock of Love. They get so excited when its time to get it cut and mail it in.
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