Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Highlights - Some of my favorite projects!

I wanted to recap 2009 and show you some of my favorite things from this year! This year has been so much fun, and I have to thank YOU my fellow bloggers for always leaving such nice and thoughtful comments, and giving me inspiration EVERY DAY! This year I plan to do even more, so keep the great ideas coming! Blogging has become one of my favorite things to do at night when the kids are asleep and I can curl up on my couch with my coffee and get inspired! Maybe that is why I no longer sleep very well, too many great ideas running through my head! LOL!

For 2010 some things I want to work on are-
*Writing down where I get my inspiration so I can always give proper credit, even if it was just an idea that got me started! I am horrible at this!
*Leave more comments on others blogs, I love comments, and I am sure you do as well!
*I would like come up with at least one new item a month that I can add to my ETSY store!
*Take more time for me, especially when I need It! (Like this last holiday season!)
*Make more handmade cards to have on hand, lord knows I have enough supplies!
*Use more of what I have around here for projects, I need to stop running out every time I don't have something and improvise!

What are some things that you are going to focus on for the new year? Where do you get your inspiration? I would love to hear your ideas, and if you have ideas for me, let me know! I love hearing from my readers, so don't be afraid! I hope you all have a wonderful 2010!



Anonymous said...

I will be focusing on officially opening my own store!!! Hopefully in July of 2010. I agree lots to do and lots to make in the upcoming year. Toodles!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Nice Espresso pillow there girl. Too bad it's on MY SOFA! Weeee! :D

Thanks for your continued friendship Missy! Can't wait to see what you come up with in the new year!

As for me, I haven't even begun a list yet. But I'd like to commend you on setting a special time aside for blogging. I LIKE that. And it's something I haven't done.

I think this shall be my first plan. Because then I WILL have time to work on other resolutions. :)


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

I'm still in school so I'll be focusing on doing well there while simultaneous being able to see my husband occasionally and retaining what little of my sanity I have on hand.

sounds easy, right? Riiiigggghhht. ;)

Kimberly said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am loving everything I'm seeing on yours and can't wait for more posts. P.S. That snowman village is PRECIOUS.

Rachel said...

I love your decorating style! I just moved into my first home, so I've been scouring blogs for great ideas. I'm bookmarking your blog!!!

Company EIGHT said...
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Company EIGHT said...

LOVING your blog!!!

Sam said...

i am really enjoying your blog.. i just came upon it and adore the great ideas.. i cannot wait to start following your blog and learning new and interesting fun things! thanks for the inspiration!